CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Intelligent Medical Objects (IMO), a healthcare data enablement Company, announced today three new products for general availability: IMO Precision Normalize with Natural Language Processing (NLP), IMO Precision Sets, and IMO Discovery for Problems. These offerings represent a new era for the company, which has a 30-year history of solving clinical terminology issues for providers and electronic health records (EHRs). More recently, IMO has been expanding its product portfolio to leverage its foundation in clinical terminology and coding to benefit other areas of the healthcare ecosystem.
“IMO is problem solving for other parts of healthcare the same way we did in the early days of EHRs, by leveraging our foundation in terminology to standardize and normalize data,” said Ann Barnes, IMO’s CEO. “Our customers are looking for health IT solutions that streamline processes and accelerate innovation and IMO is moving quickly to meet these needs.”
In a survey commissioned by IMO earlier this year, providers cited improving clinical care and better data quality standards as top priorities for their organizations. IMO’s new solutions are designed to help organizations across the healthcare ecosystem extract more value from clinical data, including the ability to:
Make free text and unstructured clinical data more usable with powerful natural language processing (NLP) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to extract meaning, standardize, structure, and enhance it with codes;
More efficiently define clinically consistent profiles and manage value sets to identify similar patients and cohorts more accurately; and
Deliver relevant insights to clinicians when they need it by bringing together disparate data from across the EHR into the problem list.
The new products aim to tackle well-known industry pain points, including:
Extracting meaning from unstructured text. Eighty percent of healthcare data is unstructured, rendering it mostly inaccessible in a patient’s health record. IMO Precision Normalize, a data standardization engine, has been updated with AI and NLP capabilities which adds the ability to ingest and standardize unstructured, free text data. Earlier this year, IMO acquired Melax Technologies, Inc (Melax Tech), an NLP and AI company. The acquisition of Melax Tech is helping enhance IMO’s portfolio of healthcare data solutions with proven technology, data science, and biomedical informatics expertise in NLP and AI.
Value set creation and maintenance. Combining EHR-ready value set packages and brand-new authorship functionality, IMO Precision Sets simplifies and accelerates how organizations create, maintain, and organize value sets. It empowers clinicians and analysts to easily find clinically relevant patient conditions, tests, and treatments to isolate codes that appropriately define clinical concepts. Improved value set means data quality at scale for reliable patient cohorts, clearer insights, and consistent reporting.
Problem list insights. Building on foundational IMO Core terminology and problem list tooling, IMO Discovery for Problems is an in-workflow solution that promotes problem list completeness. It analyzes patient data and unstructured clinical notes from prior encounters to identify long-term problems that are potentially absent from the problem list, and then nudges clinicians to consider expanding problem lists as they work in their patients’ charts. The result is better organized, relevant, and actionable patient records.
About Intelligent Medical Objects
Intelligent Medical Objects is a healthcare data enablement company that ensures clinical data integrity and quality — making patient information fit-for-purpose across the healthcare ecosystem, from hospitals to health IT, pharma, public health, payers, and beyond.
IMO’s vast footprint in EHRs powers our ability to capture and preserve clinical intent at the highest level of specificity. Our secure technology platform and products then help our clients to transform and extract the greatest value from their data. In short, IMO is the catalyst that enables accurate documentation, precise population cohorting, optimized reimbursements, robust analytics, and better care decisions to optimize patient outcomes.
Jessica Emond
[email protected]
Rachel Hutman
[email protected]